Time passes so fast! guess its time to move on to 2006. just did some spring cleaning in my house.but i did my room most la. now my room is much neater! so happy.ha :) but still alot of sutff..oh, and i did my 2006 resolutions..try to achieve them..not too hard with God's help!
Next year is gonna be a tough year..but will trust the Lord for His guidance! nothing is impossible with God around! I'm still thinking if i should write my testimony for this year..rachel, help me on sat! till then, have a blessed new year! God bless!
Never a trial that He is not there, Never a burden that He doth not bear; Never a sorrow that He doth not share- Moment by moment,I'm under His care. :)
Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
It has come to the last week!
Well, its the last week of 2005 and last week of holidays! gd or bad? Anyway.on mon 26dec there was a wedding in church! i attended it and then went home to prepare stuff b4 coming to sq house to stay..my parents r coming home today! manage to do some work here..gng home later..lots of stuff to be done b4 the year ends..
2005 has been really great! i thank God for everything thats has happened in 2005! the gd or bad...everything thst happens, there's a reason! this year i got to do stuff that i hhave neva done b4..serving in the church and sharing the gospel wif frens! I thank God for being with me when i shared the gospel.Thank God for being with me during trials and sad times and even the happy moments! I gt closer to some frens..my sunday sch mates! love them lots! Yup..i hope to spent the few days of 2005 with happiness! :)
went to watch king kong wif sq today! Super exciting and nice! and long of course.
2005 has been really great! i thank God for everything thats has happened in 2005! the gd or bad...everything thst happens, there's a reason! this year i got to do stuff that i hhave neva done b4..serving in the church and sharing the gospel wif frens! I thank God for being with me when i shared the gospel.Thank God for being with me during trials and sad times and even the happy moments! I gt closer to some frens..my sunday sch mates! love them lots! Yup..i hope to spent the few days of 2005 with happiness! :)
went to watch king kong wif sq today! Super exciting and nice! and long of course.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas 2005!

Christmas this year was great! the service on 23rd was follwed by carolling! it was so fun! sang through the night..on the 24th..jessica had her christmas party.hui hui,sq,xf and me went..we played lots of games..haha..including hide and seek which was the best! haa..thanks Jessica for the party! it was really fun!! lots of meat and sweet stuff. I would like to thank everyone for their cards and gifts! i love them all!! :) Then today! in the night , a group of youths went to orchard to haf dinner with uncle shariff..later we went to orchard road to sing along! haa and took pictures..super fun that night! Well, just wanna wish everyone a blessed christmas! God bless and take care! :) Some pics taken during carolling!

Thursday, December 22, 2005
YF retreat 2005!
this year's yf retreat was totally great! enjoyed every part! thanks Lydia! i was in charged of food..went with shelia and rachel to giant to buy food for the steamboat..was fun doing the marketing!God provided the steamboat pots! thank God darrell found them! bought lots of food..then gt a ride frm sis chariisa to church..
there wasn't alot of ppl but everyone had fun together..we started by singing songs..then it came to the video! left behind 3 was awesome! God works in mysterious ways..He is always with us! after that we had games..rounders..captains ball..AND time to get WET!!! this part was fun! everyone was drenched. after games..washed up..and had our dinner! everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship..telling cold jokes..after dinner was candellight fellowship..we all had candles..everyone had to sit in a circle then say what they have learnt or thank God for this year.the candles lighted when it was the next person's turn to say..then pass on..this year has been great..that's wad i can say! the next day we went out for breakfast then came back to clean up..I really thank God for this retreat! :)tonite my church has christmas service..and after that..CAROLLING!
That's us in our sleeping bags!
there wasn't alot of ppl but everyone had fun together..we started by singing songs..then it came to the video! left behind 3 was awesome! God works in mysterious ways..He is always with us! after that we had games..rounders..captains ball..AND time to get WET!!! this part was fun! everyone was drenched. after games..washed up..and had our dinner! everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship..telling cold jokes..after dinner was candellight fellowship..we all had candles..everyone had to sit in a circle then say what they have learnt or thank God for this year.the candles lighted when it was the next person's turn to say..then pass on..this year has been great..that's wad i can say! the next day we went out for breakfast then came back to clean up..I really thank God for this retreat! :)tonite my church has christmas service..and after that..CAROLLING!

That's us in our sleeping bags!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
INE bonding camp 2005
I'm back from another camp! this time its the INE camp. actually, this is a bonding camp for us, only 2 days. yup..played lots of games! shall not describe much on here..haa.anyway, yining and i had a fun time tickling each other..in a way that is comfortable, not the REAL tickling..ate pizza for dinner..then breakfast..takeaway from opposite.well, im gonna prepare for another upcoming camp! YF retreat! 2 days again! this is gonna be exciting. watching left behind 3! and christmas is coming! wheee! :)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Japan trip 2005
Thank God for this Japan trip! this holiday has been busy for me! lots of camps and stuff! Japan was gd! very cold! and snow everyday in Hokkiado! the tour was not bad...had a lot of active kids which made the trip more lively!the temperature in hokkiado
was arnd -4 plus. once, it went down to -10! super nice !playing with snow was fun too! shopping was erm..haa..most of the time was snacks..no clothes..too ex. but food was nice..but then..when it came to meals..was
quite sian after the first few..its always seafood..but buffet gd la..can choose mah..
yup..made new frens..and i miss the cold la! the japanese are very super la..they really respect ppl one..and the city is clean..tokyo wasnt too bad..but only spent like 1 day there..not much time..oh ya..i had to wear Ukata to sleep every night..very comfy!

yup..made new frens..and i miss the cold la! the japanese are very super la..they really respect ppl one..and the city is clean..tokyo wasnt too bad..but only spent like 1 day there..not much time..oh ya..i had to wear Ukata to sleep every night..very comfy!

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Airport right now!
this is so cool man! using the internet at the airport! i'm flying off ppl!! be back on the 17th! one week will pass soon! i'm like facing this bar and cafe now..using this samsung com..yup..and they have a time limit! :) gtg now! Cya!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Sunday School camp 2005!
I'm back from sunday school camp! won't write like what i wrote in my testimony for camp.haha..i really thank God i made it to camp. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER! "Be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His might" My group was sword. Thank God for the teamates! and for my mentors..david and Joanne! I have learnt alot from them. And everyday, i had to memorise verses! quite fun! The messages brought to us was enriching..i guess its time to look at my chrsitian walk. I thank God for time spent with my ss mates..and for new frens too. :)
I shall just write the main events of each day.
Day 1(mon): Games today! went to pandan pri for our games. I guessed everyone had fun being blindfolded.ha
At night, we had a workshop on knowing our gifts! We need to know our spiritual gifts in order to know how we can serve God in different ways.
For supper, we had muffins..i am addicted to the muffins since this day!
Day 2(tue): Trekking at macritchie! all the way to bukit timah? for 3-4hrs!But it was gd exercise.At night, the session members shared about the different areas they served in the church and i was able to know more about the mission stations. Cheesecake for supper!
Day3(wed): Lunch we had chicken chop!! wow! yummy.
Tracting today! My partners were gwyneth and ian. It was smoothsailing! thank God for His guidance as we shared the goodnews to the people. many were willing to listen to us and accepted the tracts.
Forum at night! know more abt Charasmatism. what is their worship like.and abt the kjv bible version.Guess its faith.
Day 4(thurs): Went out of camp to west coast park to celebrate xf bday! i could only stay for a while becos it was campfire night for camp. so i went there to play for a while and gave present.hehe..then went back for skit preparation. God was watching over our grp.! Campfire night was great! sang lots of songs.:)
Day 5(fri): Nothing much today but writing of our testimonies and cleaning up !
I reallyy enjoyed myself..looking forward to the next camp!
I shall just write the main events of each day.
Day 1(mon): Games today! went to pandan pri for our games. I guessed everyone had fun being blindfolded.ha
At night, we had a workshop on knowing our gifts! We need to know our spiritual gifts in order to know how we can serve God in different ways.
For supper, we had muffins..i am addicted to the muffins since this day!
Day 2(tue): Trekking at macritchie! all the way to bukit timah? for 3-4hrs!But it was gd exercise.At night, the session members shared about the different areas they served in the church and i was able to know more about the mission stations. Cheesecake for supper!
Day3(wed): Lunch we had chicken chop!! wow! yummy.
Tracting today! My partners were gwyneth and ian. It was smoothsailing! thank God for His guidance as we shared the goodnews to the people. many were willing to listen to us and accepted the tracts.
Forum at night! know more abt Charasmatism. what is their worship like.and abt the kjv bible version.Guess its faith.
Day 4(thurs): Went out of camp to west coast park to celebrate xf bday! i could only stay for a while becos it was campfire night for camp. so i went there to play for a while and gave present.hehe..then went back for skit preparation. God was watching over our grp.! Campfire night was great! sang lots of songs.:)
Day 5(fri): Nothing much today but writing of our testimonies and cleaning up !
I reallyy enjoyed myself..looking forward to the next camp!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The dieter's prayer book
Borrowed this book from the library. Actually is not about our diet. But about our life. Saw some sentences which i needed to record down to remember them.
Food for thought:1.Let His strength be the strength of your heart.
2.With God's help, no temptation is unbearable or unbeatable.
3.Getting thin is not the key to getting happy.
4.People will fail you, but God is faithful forever.
5.For every fresh failure there is a fresher mercy.
6. Fill your life with - LIFE!
anyway. sunday went to new creation church with jasmine to check it out again..haa.
then 5th week of holis goes like that.
mon- Harry potter movie
tue-at home
wed-movie marathon
thurs-ine meeting in sch.went expo with mom
fri-shld be movie with mom
next week- Sunday school Camp!! :)
Food for thought:1.Let His strength be the strength of your heart.
2.With God's help, no temptation is unbearable or unbeatable.
3.Getting thin is not the key to getting happy.
4.People will fail you, but God is faithful forever.
5.For every fresh failure there is a fresher mercy.
6. Fill your life with - LIFE!
anyway. sunday went to new creation church with jasmine to check it out again..haa.
then 5th week of holis goes like that.
mon- Harry potter movie
tue-at home
wed-movie marathon
thurs-ine meeting in sch.went expo with mom
fri-shld be movie with mom
next week- Sunday school Camp!! :)
Friday, November 25, 2005
India Trip 2005 (17Nov-25Nov)
Truly, i really thank God that i was able to go for this trip. I have learnt a lot about India itself and the people. And through this trip, i have made new frens and also understand some people better. I loved every moment of the trip even the long journies! The food was great..did not suffer frm stomach pains. We visited Bangalore, Mysore and Ooty. I must say that Ooty is the best! the coolest of all.Cos i was in the blogging team, i had to write journal everyday. Anyway, shall write out what exactly happened Cos the program given to us was much different. Oh ya, the tour guide was really funny! He made the trip unforgetable.And i took lots of pics
Day 1: Reach school to take a bus to airport.I had a stomachache even b4 the trip! I was in pain and prayed hard that it would be over when i reached the airplane. And God answered it. I sat at the window seat with Bailu and Xing fang. Watched "must love dogs" cos i could not decide wad to watch.The food was good. When we touched down, we headed for the hotel and slept.
Day 2: We were told to wear sch u and blazer since we are visiting a school/ Everyone looked smart.The students at Kendriya Vidayala were friendly and they respected their teachers alot. We oso visited the Institude of Science but did not really understand what was happening there.ha.
Day 3: We travelled to Mysore in the morning.On the way, we visited this suggar making place.Really cool.We then visited this river place where people rode some cute boat. We proceeded to the temple and then to Maharaja palace! it was beautiful!In the night, we visited the musical fountain.
Day 4: We left the hotel early in the morning to go to Ooty! 6hr journey.quite fun!
When we reached there, we visited this tea factory.Quite interesting.I love the weather there. we had free time to take pics b4 dinner starts.Our tour guide made us play dog and bone in the cold weather.was fun!
Day 5:This was the day we had house riding! the house galloped super fast lo! my skirt was flying up! haa..after that We visited Lawrance High school. The sch looks so European. Met a korean girl.
The weather started to change, started to drizzle. We visited the highest peak in south India! very nice!We then went to botanic gardens and someshopping after that. And at night, we all went to the games room right downstairs to play! gt badminton, table tennis, basketball and boardgames like snake and ladders
Day 6: So sad, we left Ooty. Journey was 8hrs. Xing fang and i kepthearing MP3 songs..haa.. We stopped at Mysore to eat our vegetarian lunch.We went to this waterfall area..the sight was spectacular! Then by the time we reached bangalore it was dark! We ate at a cafe man! for the first time in india.
Day 7: We went to the IT park.So Singapore man the area.We headed for Jain International Residential for exchange program..i felt that this sch was the best out of the 3. We had shopping after that and ate KFC for dinner!!!
Day 8: We went to the space centre then the rest of the day was shopping!!!Had pizza for dinner b4 heading to airport! it was too gd! but did not manage to find my chocolates so did not spend all my money.haa..at the airport, i bought cookies lo..the plane flight was not too bad..was too sleepy la..
I really miss the whole trip! thanks to those who lent xing fang and I MP3 players so we weren't bored. And played games during the journies..like UNO.I really enjoyed myself.:)
At Singapore airport after the trip.
Day 1: Reach school to take a bus to airport.I had a stomachache even b4 the trip! I was in pain and prayed hard that it would be over when i reached the airplane. And God answered it. I sat at the window seat with Bailu and Xing fang. Watched "must love dogs" cos i could not decide wad to watch.The food was good. When we touched down, we headed for the hotel and slept.
Day 2: We were told to wear sch u and blazer since we are visiting a school/ Everyone looked smart.The students at Kendriya Vidayala were friendly and they respected their teachers alot. We oso visited the Institude of Science but did not really understand what was happening there.ha.
Day 3: We travelled to Mysore in the morning.On the way, we visited this suggar making place.Really cool.We then visited this river place where people rode some cute boat. We proceeded to the temple and then to Maharaja palace! it was beautiful!In the night, we visited the musical fountain.
Day 4: We left the hotel early in the morning to go to Ooty! 6hr journey.quite fun!
When we reached there, we visited this tea factory.Quite interesting.I love the weather there. we had free time to take pics b4 dinner starts.Our tour guide made us play dog and bone in the cold weather.was fun!
Day 5:This was the day we had house riding! the house galloped super fast lo! my skirt was flying up! haa..after that We visited Lawrance High school. The sch looks so European. Met a korean girl.
The weather started to change, started to drizzle. We visited the highest peak in south India! very nice!We then went to botanic gardens and someshopping after that. And at night, we all went to the games room right downstairs to play! gt badminton, table tennis, basketball and boardgames like snake and ladders
Day 6: So sad, we left Ooty. Journey was 8hrs. Xing fang and i kepthearing MP3 songs..haa.. We stopped at Mysore to eat our vegetarian lunch.We went to this waterfall area..the sight was spectacular! Then by the time we reached bangalore it was dark! We ate at a cafe man! for the first time in india.
Day 7: We went to the IT park.So Singapore man the area.We headed for Jain International Residential for exchange program..i felt that this sch was the best out of the 3. We had shopping after that and ate KFC for dinner!!!
Day 8: We went to the space centre then the rest of the day was shopping!!!Had pizza for dinner b4 heading to airport! it was too gd! but did not manage to find my chocolates so did not spend all my money.haa..at the airport, i bought cookies lo..the plane flight was not too bad..was too sleepy la..
I really miss the whole trip! thanks to those who lent xing fang and I MP3 players so we weren't bored. And played games during the journies..like UNO.I really enjoyed myself.:)

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Reach out to Jesus
Hey gwyneth, i shall post part of the song since my fren did not come that day! So she will see! ha
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel harbour danger yet unknown?
Are you growing weary
In the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you when on His name you call.
He is always there, hearing every prayer.
Faithful and true;
Walking by our side,in His love we hide
All the day through.
When you get discourage,just remember what to do-
Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you.
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel harbour danger yet unknown?
Are you growing weary
In the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you when on His name you call.
He is always there, hearing every prayer.
Faithful and true;
Walking by our side,in His love we hide
All the day through.
When you get discourage,just remember what to do-
Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Second week gone..
thank God that this week was better spent! really!
on mon- Bio lessons.
tue- went to sch for india briefing.went to JEC to eat.went to novena
wed-no golf.went to kindergarden! went for prayer meeting.went to gwyn's house to stay
thurs-Kindergarden! kids baked cookies! so fun! After that, went to tanglin mall with gwyn.she bought her slippers then we went orchard to shop and eat
fri-Kindergarden again! this day was different. the kids could play at the field! fun running with kids.ha then after that went with mum to watch skyhigh! nice show.
sat- YF meeting.shared my fav song.ate dinner at jec.went to imm
sun-church.Jessica came today!!glad she learnt alot..after that, jasmine,gwyn and i decided to check out city harvest.
next week wld be India on thurs! Pray for journy mercies.:)
on mon- Bio lessons.
tue- went to sch for india briefing.went to JEC to eat.went to novena
wed-no golf.went to kindergarden! went for prayer meeting.went to gwyn's house to stay
thurs-Kindergarden! kids baked cookies! so fun! After that, went to tanglin mall with gwyn.she bought her slippers then we went orchard to shop and eat
fri-Kindergarden again! this day was different. the kids could play at the field! fun running with kids.ha then after that went with mum to watch skyhigh! nice show.
sat- YF meeting.shared my fav song.ate dinner at jec.went to imm
sun-church.Jessica came today!!glad she learnt alot..after that, jasmine,gwyn and i decided to check out city harvest.
next week wld be India on thurs! Pray for journy mercies.:)
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
middle of second week
time flies. its the middle of the second week now.getting excited for many things coming up!! India is in one week's time!haven packed yet. today, finally after like 1 week, i got to go to the kindergarden again! It fun to be with those kids.ha..but i missed the lit thing..tomolo i will be gng again! and it wld be baking time! Thank God for seeing me through this week..not really tired.:) And im gng prayer meeting tonight! for the second time! rachel have been asking me.felt bad for so many times rejecting her..haa.im making it today!can't wait for tomolo!
Friday, November 04, 2005
one week gone..
its abt one week gone of holidays.just like that.but thank God for this week!
mon- extra lessons for maths-eat at place opposite sch-go church for precepts preparations
tue-sentosa!! with sq,xf and jess
wed-sch for bio and maths-no golf-sq house
thurs-out with bro, gwyn,jon and jo! Flightplan with bro,jon and jo.they forced me! but i did not regret watching! nice show!
fri- sch again( maths and bio)
hope next week would be less tiring! hope to go kindergarden to help gwyn with her kids!;)
mon- extra lessons for maths-eat at place opposite sch-go church for precepts preparations
tue-sentosa!! with sq,xf and jess
wed-sch for bio and maths-no golf-sq house
thurs-out with bro, gwyn,jon and jo! Flightplan with bro,jon and jo.they forced me! but i did not regret watching! nice show!
fri- sch again( maths and bio)
hope next week would be less tiring! hope to go kindergarden to help gwyn with her kids!;)
Friday, September 23, 2005
Lit drama production
well, after abt 9 sessions of practising our lit drama"the enemy of the people"..3e1 finally showcased for the first time yesterday! by God's grace, everything went fine..not much hiccups..i'm glad everyone played their part..i guessed everyone had fun together too..!:)im sure this production made our class closer..anyway..i had lots of fun..memorising lines..and helping ppl put make up!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Combined YF games day 2005!
Today was combined YF games dAay! Was looking foward to it becos the venue was at Galilee! Went to church early in the morning to help you ren with stuff..jasmine came to help too! we went round the church pasting the posters..yup..the registration started at 2.00 +..helped gwyneth with it..was rather hectic! haha..but it was fun..i enjoyed the experience..my group was Nate Saint! my grp had alot of ppl compared to others..the message brought to us was "Reaching out". I guess i've learnt that this is one important issue being a christian..there are unsaved loved ones out there whom we need to reach out..i guessed i leant a lot from the message..to encourage ppl arnd me..firstly i have to drop the "blankey"..i have to continue reading God's word..and of course pray! Captain's ball was greeat!! "shoes" and "slippers" :)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
when u want to waste food- think abt those who are less fortunate..
decided to post becos of wad i saw today.i guess God had actually send that person to tell me a message.It's my first time ever, i saw this happened. Went to eat dinner wif my bro at jurong...ya..had my vegetarian meal again..haha..the place was crowded but we managed to get a place where 3 ppl just finished..the were still food left on their table..wasted..but its normal to see that..however..wait..shall continue..i went to buy my food first..came back wif my food..then my bro went to buy his...the table was not cleared yet..so i ate..then suddenly a man arnd 50+ came to sit at the table...he was well dressed..but i was kind of scared..cos he did not even asked if there were ppl sitting here..really freaked out..but God allowed me to stay calm..i was wondering y he sat at the table...at that time when he sat down..i was actually looking at the leftovers..there was steamed egg..my fav..haa..i wish i could eat la..so wasted..still alot..at other meat..then many thoughts came to my mind la..ok..then the man suddenly took a spoon at the table and started eating the leftovers! this is the first time i ever saw this! it ever came across my mind..but did not actually think it wld happen! but i knew there was a message again from God..that poor ppl are around us..and we shld not waste food! then my bro came back..tink he quite shocked oso..but we remained normal la..just continue eating lo..i was tinking the guy really push aside his dignity..to just eat that little amount of food left on the table..to all out there..these ppl still exist in Singapore..
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Sept holiday!
this sept holiday was quite well spent..although i felt that sometimes i wasted a lot of time. i was able to manage my time properly..thank God! anyway. on mon..i went to cut my hair! now, its so much shorter and thinner. after xutting my hair..rushed down for my dental appointment! felt that it was a waste of money,,haa..cos there's no more this package..the dentist just cut my teeth straight then clean ONLY.that cost 50 something..haha..anyway..next time can go my cousin there and check.on tue..had to go sch in the morning for the lit drama..then after that went home to take swimming costume to go jessica house to swim with sq and huihui..haa..then met them at jec to eat..b4 taking a cab to jess house..we swam quite long la..had so much fun!we ate alot! after that went home..sq stayed over.wed: went to sci centre in the morning for this DNA enzyme restriction..quite ok la..had a long break..ate a lot again..hha..then after the whole thing which ended at 4.30..went home..get prepared to go out to meet church frens(ss,shelia,gwyn,lydia,jo,joanne,youren,allvina) to have a dinner b4 ss went to army..met shelia and gwyn at the jurong station then we went down together..we met the rest at orchard..we first walked to wisma coffee club..we made a commotion when we shifted the tables cos a lot of ppl mah..so need a more tables..then we sat down...took a long time to choose our food..then when we were abt to order..cashier say over broke down..oh no! cannot eat anything excpet salad..haa..we had to find another place..so pai seh..left quietly..haa..then went to taka..gt two coffee club..we went to both..but no space..i realised we spent alot of time finding for a place to eat..haa..then went to paragon's cc..there's was space! thank God..or else dun noe where to go..haha..i ate this set meal..so yummy! went home wif joanne after that..today..went to sch for the lit drama..today veri messy cos many did not come..i hope to go malaysia tomolo wif sq! the holis are ending..exam is starting! ok..shall end here..God bless! :)
Sunday, August 28, 2005
what a week!
well..last week was rather hectic! lots of tests..but our class gals finally had our rugby match wif 3e3 on thurs! we had been waiting!thank God for the game! haa..anyway, although we lost to them..im sure that everyone has learnt something frm the match...i enjoyed myself..pulling ppl's hands...snatching for the ball..ya..it was veri fun although rough! its was really rough..haa..to see gals play..i guess ive learnt that winning is not everything..having fun is more important! :) before the match..i guess the gals were stressed, including me..cos we wanted to win badly! haa..after the match..everything was diff! teacher's day coming! and our class wld be putting up a song! and one more week! b4 holis! yeah! take care! God bless ppl! :)
Saturday, August 06, 2005
"One Fine Day"
Happy Birthday Vicky , Charisse!! Anyway, national day is coming! 3 days holiday! This week i have been reading the book "moments of Grace" when i reached to last story..it was just a short one..not really a story but was like a reminder to me from God. So i decided to share it here.
One fine day
I may never see tomorrow, there's no written guarantee,
And thingsthat happened yesterday belong to history.
I cannot predict the future, and i cannot change the past.
I have just the present moment, I must treat it my last.
I must use the moment wisely for it soon will pass away,
And be lost to me forever as part of yesterday.
I must exercise compassion, help the fallen to their feet.
Be a friend unto the friendless, make an empty life complete.
I must make this moment precious, for it will not come again.
And i can never be content with things that might have been,
Kind words I fail to say this day may ever be unsaid.
For I know not how short may be the path that lies ahead.
The unkind things I do today may never be undone,
And friendships that i fail to win may be never won.
I may not have another chance on bended knee to pray,
And thank God with a humble heart for giving me this day.
I may never see tomorrow, but this moment is my own,
It's mine to use or cast aside;the choice is mine alone.
I hve just this precious moment in the sunlight of today,
Where the dawning of tomorrow meets the dusk of day.
Author Unknown.
One fine day
I may never see tomorrow, there's no written guarantee,
And thingsthat happened yesterday belong to history.
I cannot predict the future, and i cannot change the past.
I have just the present moment, I must treat it my last.
I must use the moment wisely for it soon will pass away,
And be lost to me forever as part of yesterday.
I must exercise compassion, help the fallen to their feet.
Be a friend unto the friendless, make an empty life complete.
I must make this moment precious, for it will not come again.
And i can never be content with things that might have been,
Kind words I fail to say this day may ever be unsaid.
For I know not how short may be the path that lies ahead.
The unkind things I do today may never be undone,
And friendships that i fail to win may be never won.
I may not have another chance on bended knee to pray,
And thank God with a humble heart for giving me this day.
I may never see tomorrow, but this moment is my own,
It's mine to use or cast aside;the choice is mine alone.
I hve just this precious moment in the sunlight of today,
Where the dawning of tomorrow meets the dusk of day.
Author Unknown.
Monday, August 01, 2005
God is Good
heyaa! so long neva post already. Anyway, God has been good to me. He's is speaking to me through people arnd me. It's tough at times to face different things arnd me.But through yf, sunday sch, ive learnt to show the fruits of the spirit...very important. God will make a way...when trials come my way.
Yesterday was a great day!! i cooked! I rolled sushi and help fry the tempura! i had jap dinner! went to the library after church wif eve, erica, fiona and nelson. stay at cafe galilee until like 5 plus...then after that we went to nelson house to cook dinner!! so fun!! so long neva roll sushi..and i finally gt to eat tempura again! thank God for the time spent together..pray that this week would be a great week! tests again...pray for me!! :)
Yesterday was a great day!! i cooked! I rolled sushi and help fry the tempura! i had jap dinner! went to the library after church wif eve, erica, fiona and nelson. stay at cafe galilee until like 5 plus...then after that we went to nelson house to cook dinner!! so fun!! so long neva roll sushi..and i finally gt to eat tempura again! thank God for the time spent together..pray that this week would be a great week! tests again...pray for me!! :)
Thursday, July 07, 2005
First time at prayer meeting
wednesday nites: Prayer meeting
It did not really cross my mind if i shld go for prayer meeting at all. until one fine day...rachel asked me if i could attend..but i said i'll try...and so yesterday...i did not haf any hw...plus...i knew it was a wed..i had a feeling of wanting to go...so i decided to make the decision if eveline gave the reply saying she was gng..then i will go..and she said she was goin..so i went! so happy i went..i did not noe wad it was like...actually..we will sing songs first..then have a message...then we split up into our grps..rachel was happy that i came!! hee...although i missed those shows..but it was alrite!:)
School has started since last week...2 weeks past so fast...its back to studies..hiya...anyway lots of birthday parties this mth! must hunt for gifts! Lots of test coming up tooo!! arh...pray for me ! i need guidance and wisdom from the Lord!
It did not really cross my mind if i shld go for prayer meeting at all. until one fine day...rachel asked me if i could attend..but i said i'll try...and so yesterday...i did not haf any hw...plus...i knew it was a wed..i had a feeling of wanting to go...so i decided to make the decision if eveline gave the reply saying she was gng..then i will go..and she said she was goin..so i went! so happy i went..i did not noe wad it was like...actually..we will sing songs first..then have a message...then we split up into our grps..rachel was happy that i came!! hee...although i missed those shows..but it was alrite!:)
School has started since last week...2 weeks past so fast...its back to studies..hiya...anyway lots of birthday parties this mth! must hunt for gifts! Lots of test coming up tooo!! arh...pray for me ! i need guidance and wisdom from the Lord!
Friday, June 17, 2005
Happy happy happy!
Happy birthday liz!! haaa..! i gt a belaed birthday present from my bro!!! haa! after like sooo many years..finallly i received 2 gifts! whee..so happy! thanks bro! I gt a new bag and my second pair of danggling earrings! from xcessories! First pair of dangling earrings was from joanne jie, oso for my bday! i had always wanted a pair of dangling earrings but did not noe wad to buy...thank God for people who bought them for me! mmmm...this week had been great! monday, went to watch mr and mrs smith wif my mom...love the movie! on tue..in the morning..went to cut hair wif eve and jo..well, cut my fringe...donnoe if i regret anot..haaa..new llook..then in the evening went to play tennis and squash as usual..whoa..that tue there was sooo many youths! like 8?? coolness..had great fellowship wif them..on wed..went to church to watch a video wif sis charissa and gwyn..we decided to pick another video..but i went off for golf and could not watch it..on thursday...met up wif gwyn lydia and jo a cafe galilee to discuss the yf outing and designing of the t shirt! spend the time there until 6 ...met eve to go down together to meet shelia to watch PCK musical...it was soso la..not that fantastic lei...but quite funny..hee..stayed over at eve's house...cos so near the indoor stadium...then today..watched movies..then come home..trying to finish my hw!! haa...thank God for tis week! God loves u! :)
Friday, June 10, 2005
Church camp 2005! :)
Well! i'm finally back from a wonderful and enriching camp! love this camp a lot! thank God that i was able to make it for this camp! my whole family went.This camp was from 6-10 June. But my family and a few others left on sunday 5 june, advance party! we could go earlier to arrange things! abt 4 hr drive but took longer becos of the jam!! sunday was church anniversary...lunch was great..after that went home to pack then meet in church then off we go! The nest day i waited for the rest to come! the bus finally arrived after waiting for like 2 hrs..as it was delayed.
Day 1(mon)
Had lunch first b4 gng to swim!! the pool was bug but VERY dirty..haa..after swimming we had opening address..singing the camp theme song..then dinner and then ice breakers! ice breakers was fun! love it! haa..had a great time of singing!No message today.Roommates are jas and jolynn. Had great time wif them throughout the camp!!they waited to 12 midnite to sing me a bday song! so sweet! was touched!
Day two
my bday!!!
this day was a memorable and exciting day!Woke up at 6.15...gt ready for devotions...after that we had a great breakfast!!!!had message after that followed by teabreak then message 2. learnt alot..thank God prof.H messages were clear to me.we had coffee talk..but did not go...too tired..haa..after that we had gamesss!! swimming included!! then dinner then meeting on visions on missions...well..that was the last programmee...went back to the room...jas and jolynn had prepared things for me to do..since it was my bday..they played treasure hunt..made me find cards and presents in the roomm!! so fun! they made me blow 15 ballooons and burst them all..but could not do it in time haa,..we had to rush to gwyn's room..did not noe wad was happening..when they open the doorr...many of them started singing happy Birthday song! the room was dark..there waS a cake for me! organised by my roommates..and the other youths! thanks so much ppl! we play mafia in the roomm..until 1?
Day three
same programmes for the first half of the day. But late afternoon i played tennis wif youths! so fun! then it was bbq nite plus campfire! had great fellowship wif so many ppl!
Day four
Same programmes...had forum and then ostrich farm visit!!! i rode on an ostrich! haa...its was fun man!! after that..went shoppinggg!!!and then it was dinner and then testimony time!went to gwyn's room..to celebrate luvena's bday which is 10 june!
Day 5
Last day! so sadd!!! Nth much la
Well, throughout this camp enjoyed myself alot! snacked alot! plated alot! and of course, grown spiritually!! many things happen in the camp which made me think hard..
Day 1(mon)
Had lunch first b4 gng to swim!! the pool was bug but VERY dirty..haa..after swimming we had opening address..singing the camp theme song..then dinner and then ice breakers! ice breakers was fun! love it! haa..had a great time of singing!No message today.Roommates are jas and jolynn. Had great time wif them throughout the camp!!they waited to 12 midnite to sing me a bday song! so sweet! was touched!
Day two
my bday!!!
this day was a memorable and exciting day!Woke up at 6.15...gt ready for devotions...after that we had a great breakfast!!!!had message after that followed by teabreak then message 2. learnt alot..thank God prof.H messages were clear to me.we had coffee talk..but did not go...too tired..haa..after that we had gamesss!! swimming included!! then dinner then meeting on visions on missions...well..that was the last programmee...went back to the room...jas and jolynn had prepared things for me to do..since it was my bday..they played treasure hunt..made me find cards and presents in the roomm!! so fun! they made me blow 15 ballooons and burst them all..but could not do it in time haa,..we had to rush to gwyn's room..did not noe wad was happening..when they open the doorr...many of them started singing happy Birthday song! the room was dark..there waS a cake for me! organised by my roommates..and the other youths! thanks so much ppl! we play mafia in the roomm..until 1?
Day three
same programmes for the first half of the day. But late afternoon i played tennis wif youths! so fun! then it was bbq nite plus campfire! had great fellowship wif so many ppl!
Day four
Same programmes...had forum and then ostrich farm visit!!! i rode on an ostrich! haa...its was fun man!! after that..went shoppinggg!!!and then it was dinner and then testimony time!went to gwyn's room..to celebrate luvena's bday which is 10 june!
Day 5
Last day! so sadd!!! Nth much la
Well, throughout this camp enjoyed myself alot! snacked alot! plated alot! and of course, grown spiritually!! many things happen in the camp which made me think hard..
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Sunday school class gathering!
I had a great time today! when aunty yoke siong told me that she had tcher's meeting today and could not go to her house, i was so sad! she gave us two options, to eat today or postpone the baking cum swimming session. I wanted so badly to go that day! anyway, i asked the rest of the class, and we decided to go toay, we will wait for aunty ys to finish. Sunday sch class was BIG today! we had lynette back! Rachel.Jasmine.Grace.Jolynn.Lynette and the new visitor and ME! so many! haa..after class we went to eat together! for the first time, sec 2 and 3 gals had their first lunch out together! later, we went to aunt ys house. jas.jol.and me swam! the 2 other gals did not swim..anyway it started pouring after we swam for like 15mins? then we came out..then we bathe and bake! we decided to bake chocolate chip cookies! had loads of fun! while waiting for the cookies..we gals played games..haa..so fun! after that we went home..so tired now. :)
Friday, May 20, 2005
Exams r officially over!
it's goodbyes to midyear exams! Whee! so happy! after suffering for like 3 weeks of sleep! haa..and computer and tv! Thank God He saw me through my papers! Thank God for His comfort and for His Grace! i did not fall sick!through that point of time..slept in a sleeping bag in my bro's room..haa..i found it fun! ha...well..everything's over..only for the results..i'll just have to pray to God that i will accept my results no matter wad...its the last week of schhooll b4 the holis! whee! can't wait for church camp! so exciting.! today gng out with sq,cecilia.shining and kelly.t..go bugis..:)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Ms ng's wedding
two papers gone! and i haf finally waited so long for ms ng's wedding since last year! and it was on saturday! the church was quite nice la..ms ng so pretty on that day..love her wedding dresss! its from indonesia..the 2e2 ppl dressed in their best..we sure had fun though..the food was great!! yummy..loved the chessecake! haa..after that some girls went to imm to eat then shop lo...then shop until qquite late then go home le..on sunday..it was mother's day! went out for dinner as usual!
yesterday, was mummy's bdae! came home from sch..then went wif her to jp and shoppp...then came home..today was rather fun! haa.after school,some gals atejap food at jec.after that went to the library to do our hw lo..mrs koh gave us work to do! we did until like 7? haa..we chat and laugh together..was so fun!
yesterday, was mummy's bdae! came home from sch..then went wif her to jp and shoppp...then came home..today was rather fun! haa.after school,some gals atejap food at jec.after that went to the library to do our hw lo..mrs koh gave us work to do! we did until like 7? haa..we chat and laugh together..was so fun!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
what a week!
this week had passed so quickly..monday..nth much happen..went to the library to meet eveline then do work there..at the cafe la..met shelia again! haa..studying for her last papeer. then on tue..abt 6pm met gwyneth at the library, the cafe..to eat and study again..haaa..we chatted alot..had great time together!on wed..went for golf after sch...then came home..feel sick..could not study for the logarithms test! oh no! that chp was hard! but thank God for the grace and mercy! i recovered the next morning..tried to study...haa..then thank God i could do the paper!on thursday...nth much happen la..the on fri..it was like a half day! we had sports day! so fun! haa..but so hott!! went to ngee an poly for our spots day..was veri nervous for my relay..4 by 100m relay..with shuqing, jessica and jervenne! though we did not win..thank God we had lots of fun! i enjoyed the ran across the finish line..felt great! it ended at 7pm!! so late! went to clementi macs for diner wif sq and jer..then went home le..today..went swimming in the morning..at eveline fren house,,which was just oppostie mine..so just walked over..after that went to library again wif eve b4 gng for Yf! Yf rawks! love it! haa love my church! had great time playing MONKEY wif josiah,eve,mag,alicia,rachel and rev ong! haa..then went for diinner wif them..tomolo gt church again!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
What a great sunday!
Thank God for today!! although it was just hanging out at the library.ha..was toking to eveline in church abt gng to the library on mondays and tues..then she said she was bored today..so we went to the library lo..haa..was suppose to study there..but did not in the end..eveline called you ren along..we waited for a place at cafe galilee..then we went to buy drinks and fooddd!! tried doin some of my work..haa..but just couldn't..needed to tok to you ren and eve1 but i had great time toking to them!! we kept toking..changing subjects naturally as we talked..it has been long since i had a great tok to both of them..well, i did not regret not studying at all! i spotted shelia at the library!! again!! haha..she was there studying too!! oh..actually i saw sq b4 i sat down at cafe galilee! she was there wif her bro..haa..mmm..lottsa tests coming up!! and exams tooo!! pray for me!! it will come fast and end fast!! :)
Saturday, April 16, 2005
more tests coming up.
well,the week has gone by so quickly once again..those tests are over! however, there is more to come.mon chem test,tue maths test,fri maths test again..so pray for me ppl!i have to trust God more, knowing that everything is in His hands...whatever happens..is His will..Thank God for this week! nth much happen though..except yesterday! it was rather fun yesterday..decided to pizza hut to eat lunch..sq and i called along ppl..and the ones who could make it were,jervenne,xing fang,Bai Lu,Jun Hao.we had a fun time together at clementi pizza hut..waited like 1 hr for our pizza!!!we were guessing riddles all the time while waiting!! then jervenne ordered a seperatemeal, curry rice..then it tasted so sour but she continued eating la..then after eating like 3/4 of it..we decided to tell the waitress..haa..i tasted it oso..very sour! then the waitress say sorry then will give us a complimentary bread sticks.lol..i guess the waitress were irritated wif us..haa..kept asking them to hurry up..coz bai lu and jun hao need to go back to school..so after that..jervenne needed to go to the Jurong library for tuition..so me and sq tagged along..went cafe galilee to do our wrk lo..then while doin, suddenly someone called JAIME! i was like who is that..it was shelia!! haa..he was studying over there too!! after that, went home liao..later gng for YF! whee! :)
Saturday, April 09, 2005
First baking session by myself
whoa! thank God that finally i have the time to bake! have been waiting since like b4 the march holis.it was my first time baking at home..ususlly at frens house or adults home.today i decided to back choco chip muffins!! haa..it was quite ok la..all the ingredients i estimate one cos the weighing machine spoil..so i ticam ticam..i was so scared that it will taste so awful!! but thank God that everything went well! haah..so fun!the oven will halfway suddenly off one..spoil liao..haa..i kept eating and eating.so happy! haa..gng out soon..then go for yf! today im charing..quite scared again.but i noe God is guiding me! Yf is so fun!! hope can play captains ball today! nex week so many tests! chem on monday, chinese tingxie on tue, thurs have maths and history!! arh..that's the scariest! pray for me k? thanks! bies! :)
Friday, April 01, 2005
First Day of April
April Fool..have been hearing this words for the past few years..this year was not so bad,,no jokes played on me! haa! But today was rather tiring. mmm..started school..wif physics test..was veri difficult!! die la. then after sch mr ng spotted me..then he say short meeting for lsp..but in the end go his class awhile then ok liao..sq and i faster go out of sch..then take taxi to my home and change..b4 heading to clementi stadium to run wif jer,huihui,marlene,sara and colin.xing fang took the timings.we ran the relays 3 times! the 3rd time i was too tired le.haa..slowed down..after that jer,xf,sq and i went to play arcade..which i rarely do..haa..coz jer say $2 per hr mah..play as many as u can..ha..so i try try lo..had lotsa fun..after that we went to eat jap food..then went to bigbookshop..look at stuff..then headed home wif sq again..haa..tomolo is YF's anniversary! can't wait.it will be a joyous occasion! whee!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
sec 2 O.U.R camp!
ok wait..i'm not a sec two..i'm sec three..but i went for this sec 2 O.U.R camp.All about innovation and enterprise..building ur confidence and so on..the 5 C's..i went there not as a participant this time, but a trainer...did not tink that it would be rather busy and hectic! but i really had lotsa fun, through the trainers camp, and the bond wif everyone. my group was gp 7! we r the best! hahas..though some of them were not really enthu..but some were really cooperative. thank God i was able to pass though this camp. was kind of scared at the beginning..but i had a co-partner..so not so bad...mmm..overall, the camp was rather succesful! :)
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
cross country 2005
well, what shld i say? just want to thank God for this occasion.once a year only.but can be really exhausted and stress in just one day..feeling very tired rite now.thinking of the hw to be done, makes me feel sian.mm...thank GOd that he sustained me through the whole run.felt giddy at the road part..but tried to stay on..reach the end clingling onto sq...coz no energy..like fainting..haa..don noe wad was happening att that time.i almost fell into the same drain like last year..but this year i quickly step back onto the road..haa..after cross country..went to junction 8 wif some of my class gals..had great time wif them,,though e only ate there..and shopped a little..ha..then come home..wanted to go out..still thinking now..:)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Sec 3 camp 2005!
well, i'm back from camp! a really fun and exciting camp! after 3 days of camp, i feel so .... tired! haa. Have sunburn! arh!! well, i enjoyed myself doing the high elements, those games, flying fox..and so on..but my grp did not do canoeing! so sad! although the water is very dirty..i felt like gng..but its alright la...Thank God for this camp..where i saw a bond among the sec 3s..mmm..loved the fellowsihip wif my class gals during my stay there..took my pics! haa..and the bond in my grp..the nite walk on the first day was best! felt the eerie sensation when walking with nadia back to camp..she was scared,especially after hearing mr tham's ghost stories.haa..that added to the scary feeling.haa..mmm...well, that was rather a fun experience..to overcome your fear of darkness..although it was not really darks..ahas..camp fire was great! all the singing and blah..really had fun!! Really thank God that i was able to attend the whole camp..coz i was suppose to go for competition..so happy!:)
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Liz is back!
yesterdae was yf renuion dinner! had lotsa fun! took lots of pics!! i ate alot.alot.alot. during the fellowship part, we had to share wad we have learnt and wad we are thankful for in the year 2004. truely, year 2004 has been a great year for me! through camps..i learnt to pray more, to evangelise to unsafe love ones..and i am really thankful to God for everything. everyone shared. was encouraged by some of their testimonies.oh ya..aftetr the renuion dinner, we went to mackies to have ice cream!~ we were busy trying to solve the scenario shelia had given us..was confusing..i only solved it todae!~ during worship todae..was standing up singing..suddenly someone tapped my shoulder..i wondered who could it be! it was liz! she came back from china! was so shocked and happy! jenna was there too! she is gng back soon..juz came on fri...aftrer church i followed jenna and jason and my uncle and aunty..we went to some places b4 heading home. i am hoping that tomolo there will be no chem test!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Gwyneth's bdae!
It's finally fri of this week! was looking forward to this day! thank God tat all the tests r over for the week...not over thats it..nex week still hav! but chinese new is arnd the cornerso excited! mm..today is gwyn's bdae! went to her house for dinner..had great time wif eveyone! taking pics..watching tv! tomolo yf is gonna be exciting! is renuion dinner! so fun! yup.that's abt it!
Sunday, January 16, 2005
i'm finally back to blog! Just wan to thank God for the 2 weeks at school! had been really tiring though...and having fun too! well..i'm so happy! Today i pass the letter to lynette for her father..regarding abt fencing training...that i could not come...and he juz received it..he smsed me saying that he is trying to get my sch to change it to fri nites! Pray that God will allow to go for fencing then! Really thank God that now i am able to at least attend! on saturdays..mr wong oso said that i could come at 12..to see the sec 1 and 2..and be wif them lo.mmm...shld be can la..juz haf to leave earlier as usuaul to go for YF!mmm...had a great time wif sis allvina, sis luvena,jonathan,gwyn, and fiona..we had a drink at coffee club aty holland v..coz breko was too crowded! was studying a little on bio...coz i thought there is a test tomoo!but in the end its on wed! mm..pray that this week would be a great one! :)
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
happy new year! ok..this is really late but have been really busy! school has been great though. mm.on new year's eve, after church..a grouup of us, maiinly the fellowseep ppl went to mackys at west coast park. juz when we step into macs, almost 12..a few more mins..then there were loud noises after the countdown! after that went to gwyn's house to stay over. nex morning i went to church for prayer conference. was the youngest there..had to give out chocolates! hee.so fun. after that went out wif the older youths to marina there to bowl..had fun time wif gwyn, alan, jon playing the arcade first. waiting for the rest to come.we went for steamboat after that! after that, alan wanted to play more of the arcade so we went back. and 5 of us played the daytona! so fun. raced wif one another! so far, sch has been fun! meeting new classmates! and of course missing 2e2 ppl!
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