The yf went for a goat farm outing at Hay Dairies! it was a wonderful experience feeding goats! hahah! went for a christmas musical by baptise church i think called "The promise" musical. Jolynn received 7 free tix frm an aunty at je interchange the day b4 the musical. But in the end, only Jolynn, brenda and i made it! but it was a great musical! (: On sunday, sq and yq came to my church for gospel sunday! thank God they cld make it! (:
Monday was prom! thank God its over! hahah! had a great time at shangri-la and class stayover at orcahrd parade hotel! im addicted to taboo! class chalet was on fri. thank God i made it for the day though i cldnt stay over. but i had loads of fun in the sun(: and yes, jumping shots are tiring..hahah! waiting for the pics jasmine and fy! (:
Tml marks the start of ss camp! this yr wld be different for me since i am no longer a camper! will be helping at the kiddies side!(: after this week, yf camp! then Galilee's christmas musical! we practised hard for almost a year..and its finally coming! so exciting(: after that, my first mission trip to Chiangmai! will be trekking for 6km to a village, passing thru rivers! cant wait! (:
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