HEYA PEOPLE! i'mback for more updates! jan has been quite a gd month..haven started feeling the stress yet..that's becos i depended on God this time..not by my own strength! I thank God for a good timetable! everyday end at 2pm lei! except for mon..
anw, had a recent class gathering with PAE S26..had steamboat! its really great to catch up with them once in a while! (: can't wait for the next outing! and S28...when are we having our next outing???
Another thing, i'm really encouraged by the attendance for YF this year! i really hope more youths will continue to attend YF faithfully till the end of the year! Youth choir has begun, and im enjoying it! (:
can u believe it? its 20th jan already!! time will really fly this yr! can't wait for A lvls to be over! 
Being CHILD-LIKE! hahah! (: S26 steamboat gathering!
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