Lots of things to be updated! on monday was a sch holiday for me! went to church to study with the rest! on tue, we had our OP rehearsal..its was ok la..but we had to redo our slides! anyway, that day was super fun! went to fy house to playyy! after that, we had class dinner at jp's SUBWAY! i love subway's cookies! haha..anyway, its been long since our class had dinner tgt..and we had fun! on wed was a day which made me think hard! received the news abt the econs trip..oh well..was loooking forward to this trip and now it is being postponed to 3-nov to 10 dec which is like in the middle of nowhere la!will miss whole of yf camp, no ss camp for me and to risky for another trip..its like once i reach singapore, will fly off again..thats too risky. I guess its God's will for me not to go..made the decision when i came home at night. the $300 deposit!! arhh..pray that it will come back to me(: thank God on wed nite, rachel and i met sis charissa for preparation of When God speaks..it so happened that the week was God speaks through circumstances..and rachel and i had a lot to think abt.....
next week is the last week of sch! can't wait! (:
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