heyaa! the last two weeks have been greatt! my class 07s26 finally gt our class jersey! the colours red and gold are so niceee! like angbao! last thurs, i followed VAN to queensway to give the class jersey money.and guess what? i gt an angpao from the aunty la! so funny!we went over to anchor pt to relax for a while after that. haha..this week, on monday, a few of us (vanessa,eveline,qihui,xueqi,victor and james and yanting) went to watch Just follow law! we went to westmall so more ppl could come..! the show was very very funny..(: kept laughing. i love popcorn! haha..my class has a sudden addiction for card games like bridge and STRESS. hahaha...its beeen really fun being with 07s26 for this 2 mths! a bunch of coool and unique characters. (: not forgeting our ganma who is so gd to us..always give us chocolate to eat. this week is going to be the last week of pae..thank God for the time spent with everyone during this period of time! though some are staying but some are leaving..but im sure we will keep in touch!

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