During the one week study break (4-10Aug)
-Jessica came back to Singapore! Sq and i had dinner on a weekday(:. Had a meaningful time! On national day, the ladiesgroup had our first meeting at gwyn's house! thank God for this small grp where we can all encourage each other and to learn to be women after God's heart. Had a lot of cool things happened on national day..$1 on every old chang kee's snacks..popular 20% storewide!so i went to imm.
On sunday, sq and i decided,despite our exams, we went to jessica's bbq! (: gt to catch up with marlene,huihui,shi ning and kelly t!
The next sat,16 aug, went to a family gathering to celebrate my 2 cousins bd!! and vic and liz were back frm UK so we had a great time catching up!! fooddd was gd! (:
The next week, 19 aug, had a cousin's dinner in town..had a better chance to talk more that night..we recollected the events spent tgth as cousins..really missed those times..hahah! we started laughing at silly events...(:
23 aug(sat), i made the decision earlier to go for combined YF meeting...but to be a first aider..hha..it was really funny cos i dont really know what to do..but i cld sit at the station and study. but guess what, i ended up chating and taking pics..hahha..but thank God that i managed to study a little and had a great fellowship during bbq(:
During this period of prelims, it wasnt all abt studying..there was olympics!! i was super distracted by the olympics..the beginning was archery..i think this sport is really coool! you dont have to be young or slim..(: i also watched swimming, volleyball,gymnastics(the best!),table tennis,tennis,diving.(: I love to see china's gymnasts and divers! they are realllyy gooood! (:
Olympics was a major distraction that i had to go to church on some days to study with yvonne(:
All in all, i thank God for sustaining me during this period of time as well as being able to take time off to spend with loved ones and friends(:

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