HEYA! i'm back frm US! nth much to update abt..but then i hope im not suffering frm jet-lag! haha! the flight back home was gd! sat the new aircraft as in wider seats,bigger screens and tbale with mirror la! so cool! more movies too! i watched the whole way frm SF to Seoul! and listen to songs most of the time frm seoul to spore! (: thank God for a safe ride! (: im gonna upload as many pics as i can!! it feels good to be back although now its time to face reality..which is a new and tough yr...2008! its back to studying...
entertainment guide! so cute!
First meal in LA! what big portion!
Las Vegas macs!
Indoor Venice
It's actually night time !
Eiffel towel in Las Vegas?
Mum and i with a christmas tree background!
a huge Dam!!
Grand canyon! see the eagle shape behind?

Doesn't this place look familiar if u watched transformers?

The pics are in order of the trip! so this is part 1 ! (: the rest will be uploaded soon!