Thank God for yf camp 2006! this yr camp was held at Aloha Loyang God's grace, 34 campers signed up! This time was my first time being in the camp commitee..Food I/c. Well, i guess God had a reason for me being the food i/c, i really felt tired after a day's there was like continuous things to be done like boiling water washing dishes..but thank God he sustained the kitchen crew ! thank u so much to those who helped me! i really appreciated ur help! without u ppl,i may not be able to survive the camp..
This yr's theme is true friendship..and i enjoyed the messages, though there were only 3 messages i was able to learn what true friendship is and My best fren is definitely Jesus ! We had combined games day with Moriah and i enjoyed myself too!
I thank God for the people at camp..the camp commitee and sure all of us had enjoyed is through this camp that i gt to know those youths i dont usually talk to.!
Pray that the youths will come for the yf meetings!
Cant wait for the christmas musical! Christmas started with a present ! 23rd dec. (:
Gng to malaysia next week ! I need rest right now!
oh we had this sc farewell was not too bad..thanks juniors!