This story was shared by Aunty Maryanne to Rachel, Jasmine and I last sunday during ss class..and i think it touched not only me but the rest..and thank you rachel for typing it out! haha :)
it's a true story , about this American youngster who was a professional swimmer. his christian friend one day sat down with him to have a talk about the christian faith. after trying hard to get his swimmer friend to listen to what he had to say about God, he prayed with him and left.whatever his friend said didn't impress or make an impact on him at all. he just went to bed that night, trying to forget his conversation with his friend. true enough, by the next morning, he had already forgotten about the meeting.he went for his weekly swim at this indoor swimming pool. the lighting that day wasn't as normal, and he could hardly see through the dark pool. it didn't bother him that much, so he climbed the ladder up to the diving board. just as he had practised, he lifted both arms up at 90 degrees at each side and was preparing to jump when all of sudden the lights went off. across the building, he saw a reflection of himself, in the position of Jesus Christ on the cross.he obviously got the shock of his life and moved backwards, sitting down on the diving board. when the lights were finally on, he cried... he had realised that the pool had been emptied. there, he prayed to receive Christ as his personal Saviour and thanked God for his friend who evangelised to him.God had spared the life of this swimmer. God had purposed for his friend to tell him about God. the friend did make a difference in the swimmer's life afterall...
olevel oral eng is next fri! so fast! pray for me. (: and i guess national day is gng to be fun too cos im gng for ndp!
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