Wednesday, April 30, 2008

here comes may!

April has almost ended!! April has been rather enjoyable and eventful(: By God's grace, i went thru april feeling relaxed and happy..i gt to catch a movie with jasmine and helped out at sports heats for 3 dayss! it was really exciting helping out and cheering runners on! but one thing i wld regret is that i didnt participate in any events..maybe fartlek? im not too sure yet.
despite being relaxed most of the time, at the back of my mind i wld think of how close A lvls are coming!!! But i thank God i constantly remind myself to do my best for He has my future in His hands..nth can change it. thank God for frens who never fail to encourage and assure me(:
I finally went out shopping on sunday after so long! went out with jasmine, shelia and Gwyn to Bugis. But jas and shelia left earlier. then gwyn and i went to raffles city. Had a great time shopping and talking to her abt certain things(: today is the official step down for most eclub members..but im still staying on to help with the upcoming camp!
oh well, i shld be looking forward to May now despite more tests and exams coming up..but life isnt all abt that rite! so ya..take care people!(:

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