Finally back to blog after a long break(: that becos i gt good news to share!! Thank God i passed my driving TEST!!! whooohooo! Actually im not happy abt the fact that i can drive now but rather, i dont have to waste my time gng BBDC and waste more money. Hhaha! Its really by God grace. In the morning at abt 7.30am..the skies were so red and dark(like as if some tsunami or whatever was coming) at abt 9 i left house for my 9.50 lesson. it was still drizzling. after my lesson..ate at BBDC's canteen for the first time(: and waited for my warmup time at 1230. at abt 135pm i had to go into a waiting rm to wait for the traffic police tester to ome and call me. and guess what, i was the first to be called to sit for the test!! (: and it was SO SUNNY BY THEN!!my tester was really very nice as in extremely nice. even better than some instructors(: i had test route 10 if some of u may know.hahah. roads were not too bad but i came across many obstructions along the way in which one of them i had to cross the double white line( supposed not to, but the tester say okay) the test was so fast! really enjoyed the journey. Knew that God was with me so i didnt feel very nervous! Thanks for praying for me people!
I had to cab down to sch after that to attend 2 mtgs. ( I usually don't cab but i was too happy to be bothered)
Life in SMU is hectic and busy but thank God for gd frens and discipleship group which i have! So many project mtgs..presentations..getting used to it. I have also joined the Nepal CIP trip which will be in Dec. lots of planning to do...but great company!
Taking each day at a time....just doing my best for ultimately, God is in control(:
My warm-up paper! (: i drove car 54 for test!

Management Comm grp(J cube C square)!! WE love F1!!! (:

Our F1 package for the class! NICE RIGHTTT