Wednesday, September 29, 2004

i am watching stairway to heaven right now..tomolo gt ting xie....but no mood to study...once again...exams r juz round the corner..juz found out sth....evertime the same...but...but....i try to ___,___ like one to ___ ____always___ __...yeah...wad to do?? ppl..sorry..if u can't understand...haa...not suppose to reveal the unseen...haa...todae...i thank God for the rain! veri cooling man...haa..thank God that another dae had passed..soon exams would be over! thank God i finished my work...todae gt loads of work! Its studying time tomolo...haa..but i would be online wan..haa..

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

wad can i sae? final yr examinations are approaching..nth beta to do least still can use the com...can't wait man...3 more weeks~todae nth much we had this basketball test..pass la..haa..then for music we continued watching mulan...then for recess we went straight to the hall to play la...oh b4 the basics thing had mooncake given by n sq was like plucking some mooncake from her..then she needed to eat it up funny...yeah...then nth much happen liao...kk...gtg...God bless u ppl!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

a great saturdae...woke up quite early...ate breakfast..blah....then went out to the car showroom to installed the old car's 12 disc stero thing in the car coz the current car onli can hear one disc at the install cool nw...can hear an extra disc..haa..not much of a difference.....after that went for dun really haf training...we had this free fence thingy..two gps of gals..3 in a team..juz nice..can n lynette had to my team include..mei ling..n lesley! while lynette's..Amelia n Shannon...lost to lynette 5-3 then later our team catch up..meiling n lesley played well too!..blah...always gt porb wif the body wire..foil la..that took up lots of time lo...then last bulb(dunnoe the correct spelling)erm 29-40? or something like i fenced with amelia in the last bulb to reach 45 la..i was like struggling lo..she veri aggresive...can go for sabre..she hit veri pain..i gt blue black le..but it was a fun game afterall...we won 36-45?after that we helped the boys take down the scores lo...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

final exams r really coming soon!!hiya..its like ending on the 19 lo..spread out over so many weeks..todae nth much stupid spice rack ar..keep on coming ou when i glue back...grr...then after sch go went to eat pizza wif sq...ordered one set lunch A with the beef meatballs..and spicy drumlets..delicious...we really ate alot lo..the bill like on 14 dollars plus but the lady say 14 dollars can we pay 7 dollars each...quite worth it..suppose to be much more if dun haf student card..come home do work then watch the VCD: School Of rock"...then now using the com!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

mm... wad to say ar...oh ya..yesterdae took back some of our results..thank God for my marks..n that i accepted them...then after school went to gwyn's house coz my mom was there with all the aunties making holy communient them lots..aunty Pauline alwayz give them to me..haa..feel veri bad..oh..went there..then do hw coz they still making..then didn't noe how to do maths qns..ask darrell n his fren to help lo..last two qns..they did not really noe how to do so ask alan since he was there too...he veri good lo...but he veri hao lian..haa..keep saying he sure noe how to do...haa...good job alan..u showed it! after that went home lo..todae ar..nth much happen la..onli at night so excited..went to collect new car! so cool colour one..haa...

Sunday, September 19, 2004

hey hey...back again ppl...todae was a really wonderful dae..went to church..took orders for lunch then after dat went to help out at junior programme..children singing..haa...then after dat....sundae school! okie...later went out wif Gwyneth,Eveline,Soon seng,Johnathan ong and josiah..we went to suntect for this international food fare...very crowded! but we went round trying samples of food! haa...then when walking arnd..suddenly a lady went up to gwyn n ask her if she wanted to try this hand massage thingy...then say can ask her frens...dats us to try rite? first, we put our hand into this liquidy wax..then put our hand into a plastic bag...hanging there for a while...very hot lei the wax...then the lady started advertising the spa thingy..wasn't really interested..gwyn n eve were quite interested..haa..but neva sign up oso...after that the guys left us...then we gals..went shopping..then later we met eveline's father..then go shopping again...supermarket la..then go sim lim..then went to her father's place...very big n nicee...we went to jp eat...

Friday, September 17, 2004

whoo hoot!common tests r over!! gt back wo results...quite ok la...happy wif my exams cuming soon...yesterdae had a really great time...after school...went for golf as usual....then after that went to Esplanade to watch this jazz"workshop"its was actually some sort like a concert teo ask our class then onli gt Me, Xing fang, Yining,Priscilla, Nazri n Ze kai.another gal from 2N1. .but the A'capella ExpreSSS from Moscow watch two groups perfrom then like teach them lor...veri good man their singing...really pro one..feel like gng for the concert but like no time...After the workshop..was quite late...took some pics wif ms teo..then went walk to mrt station..reach home like 10 plus...or 11..

Thursday, September 16, 2004

whee..left onli one more paper...n that is lit! But in a few weeks time final exam...hiya..but nvm...will pass quickly wan...can't wait....then can enjoy..todae sci paper..quite ok la..but no confidence gng out to eat n collect photos...on the 40th anniversary nite! haa...todae we saw the class photo...come out nicer than last yr..ha..not bad la..tomolo gng for the jazz workshop thingy...donnoe what izzit la...oh...wanna thank God that this week haf passed quickly..and pray that i will accept the results! okie..cya!=))

Monday, September 13, 2004

woke up at 4am todae lo..juz to watch the tennis match mens finals...but when i woke up..haven start yet so decided to go back to sleep as i would be waking up at 6 should be still on..then when wake up...faster bathe then go watch le...Federer against Hewitt..thought it would be excitin but ar not exciting one lo..the fisrt set..6-0..Federer leads..nex set 7-6..Federer wins another set...nex set...if federer wins..he wins the championship..and he won...6-0..i did not support any of them but wanted the match to be exciting...but not exciting one! thank God i did not stayed up but went to sleep..haa..then after the match go to sch..juz finished on time lo..todae somemore haf eng common test..quite ok la.thank God i finished in time..but no confidence...tomolo chinese paper....mmm..hope it will be fine...oh..after sch ar..went to pizza hut wif shu qing to eat...then later went to the library lo..we met seow wei n her fren...then later went to the children's section..haa..coz no one there mah..then we met leila...she was so happy becoz..of something..haa...ohh...gng to be seven! i can watch my show.."stairway to heaven"..kk..bye ppl!=))

Sunday, September 12, 2004

yeah!! Johansson lost!! Hewitt won! haa..but sad la...Tim Henman lost to Federer...actually i like both of them but Henman neva win b4 so wan him to win mah...todae cannot stay up to watch the mens finals coz too 1 am lo..then tomolo eng paper..hope i won fall asleep..muz study lo..keep watching tennis everydae..haaa..pray that i will haf good memory for this week!n for good health so wun fall sick...I thank God for todae! haa...=))

Saturday, September 11, 2004

todae was really a fun i stayed over at sq's house...then in the morning wake up...then eat nasi lemak for breakfast then watch VCDs again..haa..then later went home...actually wanted to watch the fencing competition one...but scared when reach there over liao..coz left sq house at 1pm like that..yaa..then go home unpack then go to church to meet first..b4 gng to you ren's house...veri fun la...we did different stuff todae at gtf...Sis C took photos of first had probs wif the polariod cam..then joanne realised that t was the batteries...put wrongly..haa...then take photos..paste on a piece of paper..writing WANTED..then we are suppose to pass the paper arnd for everyone to write y i am wanted!!! haa...veri fun...after dat...went to BP eat..i ate ice cream onli...haa...n "cope" some food from the now i am waiting for the SEMI FINAL tennis men's! haa..start at twelve! so late..hope can wake up tomolo for church!!!=))

Friday, September 10, 2004

hey ppl...todae was a great dae la...wake up at 8.30 then watch the Roddick n Johnasson play...then so sad man...Roddick lost! i could not believe! so sad! I didn't like the other guy lor...Roddick was losing one..he lost the first two sets then made a comeback for the nex two sets. Then the last set was like so exciting...the whole match was like an ACE game...both players gain points by ACES....haa...then the Johnasson ACE like so many times lo...onli good in serving..i hope he will lose to Hewitt in the semis! then later went to golf..todae no need do warmup! haaa...then hit 50 balls as usual...then go down to BK wif Sq to eat...Charisse and Shu hui left earlier...then after eating go sq house...oso stay over la...we watch VCDs...haaa....that's abt it! =))

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Yeah! Finally my blog is ok! My blog crazy one...past few daes went back to normal! relieved! mmm...still left a few daes b4 school reopen..but oso can't wait common tests will end faster...
nth to do now as usual...juz lazing arnd...doin nth..hey ppl! pls tag my blog k? Juz gt my tag board onli...haa..thanks!=))

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Decided to write sumthing...coz veri bored la...every dae oso do same things wan......wake in the newspaper...then do some revision.....later watch tv....then use the boring lor! Then go out for awhile...then come home watch tv...actually not evertime gt things to wrtie one..haf to tink of wad to write. I write for the sake of writing...haa...can't wait for common tests to be over...n having some problems wif this blog i wan this blog skin ar...then use it then later view went hay wire..haa..don eally noe how to use all this stuff..learning still...haaa

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

common tests...sian sian...must stay at home and study...becoz common tests r after the holis...shld haf been b4 lo...nvm...but at least still can use tv oso..then go out late afternoon...can't be staying at home the whole dae....can juz't wait for the common tests to be over! then can celebrate...oso scared cannot do well than expected lo...Got to pray to God for wisdom! And pray for good memory..

Sunday, September 05, 2004

todae ar..

whee...todae is a sundae...went out with my sundae school class for lunch...aunty ys brought us out todae..rachel,jasmine,jolynn,grace came along...we went to Marche...we took mrt to city hall then walk to suntec city...we ordered different types of food so can share mah....whoa...we ordered rosti......spagetti......3 kinds of soup......ham n cheese kabat...alot lo..then after sat desserts! we ordered ice cream.....cakes......aftert hat met up with gwyn, eve,fiona and charissa...we went shopping......we went to far east...then eat ya kun kaya toast...then shop....mmm...later go home liao.....

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


whoa...had a fun time yesterdae....zerlina ask me out for karaoke singing with gwyneth, luvena,allvina,alan,johnathan ong and another 2 frens. sang unitl 11 plu8s...veri late...but nex dae no sch mah.